What’s art got to do with it?
The Big Green is a pan-European project (2023–27) on sustainable development with the cultural and creative sectors. | Learn more
What does one have to do with the other? People in art, design, and culture are eager to to their bit for a good future, and institutions and governments increasingly expect them to. But what can this even mean? As the Research team in The Big Green, we translate this sense of both urgency and puzzlement into three big questions:
- How can the cultural and creative (CC) sectors be more ecologically sustainable?
- How can artists and others in the CC sectors catalyse social transformation?
- What can society learn from CC practices to achieve a transformation to sustainability?
This website documents our search for answers as it unfolds. Subscribe to our newsletter for periodical updates (below).
The Research team is hosted by the Sustainable Europe Research Institute Germany (SERI).
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